Rachael Reeves is showing her work at Jupiter Show Case, 3 Chywoone Hill, Newlyn. Most of the work on display is from the past year.
‘This past year has given me space to focus on my painting, I have yearned for this for some time, having restrictions of movement and time away from the usual demands of life enabled me to look to what I had around me. I appreciated the space I inhabited and began to look at it from a fresh perspective. I became interested in manipulating the space and forms and found that the paintings began to imbue a sense of displacement, disorientation and fragmentation. I was feeling on the one hand a sense of peace and joy and on the other a sense of dissociation and dread. Much of my work over the past has had echoes of dystopia and melancholia but the last thing I wanted to create were those types of images. In fact if anything I was drawn to spaces and forms that were more uplifting and enticing.’
The show is open from Sunday 16th May – Friday 21st May 10 – 4 pm with guest jeweller Claire Stockings-Baker. (Rachael will be in the gallery on Sun 16th, Wed 19th and Thurs 20th)