
Ken Turner has lived and worked in St Ives since the nineties, and has been a constant

and passionate contributor to the West Penwith Arts ‘scene’, with his memorable live

performances, and provocative paintings. Between Friday 14th Oct and Wed 26th, at the

PZ Gallery in Penzance, Ken will show a selection of his paintings and drawings from the

1960’s to the present.  You are warmly invited to the Private View on Friday Oct 14th 5pm

to celebrate his life and work, where he will give a brief talk about the importance of artists’

studio practice  as a philosophical tool.

On Saturday 22nd October at 5pm there will be a  performance at the gallery, where Ken will

collaborate with dancer Stephanie Richards in response to his paintings.

 Ken will be in conversation with visual anthropologist Professor Amanda Ravetz on Monday 24th October